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These stories are personal. Tragic. And difficult to tell. But they're Michigan's reality.
Shanna lost her 17 y/o daughter to Cardiac Arrest following COVID vaccination
Auburn spent 17 days suffering before losing her life at just 17 years old. Her family asks, "What happened to her?"
Kari's son was progressing ahead of schedule, before experiencing dyspraxia and ADHD
Kari recalls that her son, Tristan, was exceeding his milestones up until routine vaccinations around the age of 15 months. From that...
Rachel's son got the varicella vaccine to return to his special needs school
During pregnancy, Rachel struggled with inflammation and “severe nausea.” After her son was born, both she and the baby were placed on...
Rebecca's son had a grand mal seizure after multiple vaccines, and he never spoke again
Rebecca's son, Zachary, was a normally developing child. At 20 months old, he had a grand mal seizure in her arms immediately following...
Malachi's 6 shots led to ASD, insomnia, food allergies, seizures, vision and gastro issues
Margie and Patrick shared that their son, Malachi, had an upper respiratory infection around the age of 1, that was being treated with...
Renee's son experienced encephalopathy after his 4-month vaccines, and continued to regress
Renee's son, Anthony, experienced excruciating encephalopathy and screamed for 30 hours after is 4-month well-baby visit. The doctor's...
Dawn's son regressed and became non-verbal at 18 months after Hib and DTaP
Dawn's son, Dante, is 25 years old and has both down syndrome and autism. When Dante was an infant, he was very engaged, active, and...
Intractable epilepsy, brain damage and autism
Elaine and Ken talk about Emma's experience with vaccines as a toddler. Emma was born healthy and progressed just like her older...
Jane's baby passed at 10 months of terminal feeding intolerance, and suffered from vaccines
Jane's daughter, Haley, struggled with seizures. Despite this, her care providers insisted she should be vaccinated at 3 months and 6...
Debby's baby brother died unexpectedly following his 4-month vaccines (DPT, OPV)
Debby's brother, Danny, died after his 4-month vaccines from "sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)" when he was just 3 months and 27 days...
Vaccine Injured Siblings (Not 1 in a Million)
Maija Hahn, host of Health Freedom UnMuzzled, shares her personal testimony of her children's health journeys following vaccination. Even...
Jacob The Brave
Jacob was a vibrant healthy one year old baby before his 12 month "well baby" visit. Jacob was talking, smiling and running around the...
Mel knew something was different right away
This is her story.
Kristen asks you to believe mothers
Christian had reactions to every set of vaccines that he had, which were dismissed by his pediatrician and other doctors. It started with...
Autistic self-advocate, William James, talks about his vaccine injuries
I am an autistic male in my early 30s of Armenian, German, Dutch, and Welsh descent. I was born in 1988. During this time, I dealt not...
Maija shares how her daughter responded to 6 shots at age 2 months, and then shots at age 4 years
At two months of age my daughter got her 2 month shots: DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis) Hib (haemophilus influenzae type...
Maija tells the story of her son's increasing health issues following each vaccination
I had been working in the field of ABA and speech and language programming development for severe to profound cases of autism for 10...
Sheri tells the story of her daughter's regression into autism after MMR
I vaccinated all 3 of my kids according to the CDC schedule. The only one I intended not to is Stephanie—she's my youngest. I remember...
Lauren tells the story of her reaction to the HPV vaccine, given at age 13
Before getting the Gardasil vaccine, I was a perfectly healthy kid with a normal life. I was a straight A student and a starter on the varsi
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