After two doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA "vaccines" (EN6204; EW0167), Reggie later developed a reaction to the LNP mRNA complex, which caused clotting to occur in his ventral posterolateral thalamus. In his words, "A lacunar infarct (stroke) ensued."
Reggie is just thankful that the stroke was considered minor, rated a "1" on the NIH stroke scale. While we sincerely hope that this was the extent of Reggie's injuries, he will have to continue monitoring his health for future strokes for life. No matter what, the memory and impact of this experience will be with him forever.
Reggie's story, and so many like his, underscore why vaccine choice matters. What was touted as a perfectly "safe and effective" vaccine did in fact carry risks, especially for Reggie—and for any skeptics, it should be noted that the clotting and subsequent stroke were acknowledged by his physician(s) as being the result of an adverse reaction to the mRNA vaccines.
What is the thalamus?
Here is an illustration from the