After four doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA "vaccine" across two years (2021–2022), Peter's health is unrecognizable to him now. Up until that point, Peter says he was healthy the past 30 years—not even recalling having colds. But his immune system is a lot different since being fully vaccinated and twice boosted. Since then, has seen more than 20 doctors, needed paramedics, been in and out of the ER, and had a slew of diagnostic tests (blood, EKG, etc.).
For Peter, he noticed a change when he started contracting colds. That wasn't normal for him.
Then, the thrombopenia kicked in showing signs of purpura—which is easy and excessive bruising on the body. The Mayo Clinic describes thrombocytopenia as being:
A condition in which you have a low blood platelet count. Platelets (thrombocytes) are colorless blood cells that help blood clot. Platelets stop bleeding by clumping and forming plugs in blood vessel injuries. Thrombocytopenia might occur as a result of a bone marrow disorder such as leukemia or an immune system problem.
Peter's thrombopenia has led to a lot of weakness, leading him to miss work and no doubt miss out on his normal healthy life. Peter's doctors cannot seem to find "the cause" of his sudden and acute immune system problems, but he is now seeing an Oncologist for Immunoglobin Replacement Infusions.
It should be noted that autoimmune hematological complications such as vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT), immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) and TTP have been reported post-COVID-19 vaccination. You can read about those documented reports on the National Library of Medicine hosted by the National Institute of Health (NIH).
Because EVERY vaccine carries some risk to a recipient, informed consent and vaccine choice are critical to EVERY person. Michigan for Vaccine Choice (MVC) supports vaccine choice, which can include full vaccination, partial vaccination, delayed vaccination as well as no vaccination.